beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..

beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..
the unfinished discourse

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


From now on, i shall try to discuss about whichever interesting article, spanning from medical issues (mainly) to issues like science and technology, from local aricles (mainly) to a bit of foreign issues that i were to chance upon in magazines or newspapers, or perhaps at least mention the existence of such a news.

Just read about an article revolving about a woman who underwent the first abdominal trachelectomy (a surgery removing the cervix via the abdomen without having to remove the uterus) which spelled out potential health risks. This calls for some celebration as it implies that women stricken with such a disease, though not very prevalent but still quite lethal, could have a choice in bearing children, at least via IMF.

okay by the way this is the second day out of my 7-day (actually 6 day) off-cum-leave-cum-holiday in lieu-cum weekend hiatus, hence I must maximize time well!!!!!

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