beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..

beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..
the unfinished discourse

Monday, September 01, 2008

contemplating whether should go back cathigh primary to study. the study benches just below the chapel has always been so conducive...provides one with all the concentration one has always wanted so badly... though i may not be from that school, but i guess i am still related to it someowhat... after all given the proximity from home, i guess it shouldn't be much of a problem. something pleasant to note is that 'bishan active' (the outdoor sports complex) is more or less ready... the soccer field, basketball court, badminton court and fitness corner were already in use.. thought it would have an indoor concept but oh well i guess that it would cost much less to have an outdoor one. hasn't really used any of the sport facilities yet but think that it would prove much of a convenience definitely...there is a serious lack of sport amenities in bishan. furthermore, what is the point of leaving the 'island' as barren as ever. today is already tues 12:23am and i am not sure whether i am confident of surpassing or even meeting expectations come next 2 weeks, or more importantly crossing the big hurdle in 2 months time. can't really say much. i shall not broach over the unglamorous and unpleasant things that have happened over the past few weeks and days...guess there's no point doing so. guess that songs are now my main avenue of expressing emotions.

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