beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..

beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..
the unfinished discourse

Saturday, October 18, 2008

reality check

yesterday was quite a good while. was in school from ten plus till night time. though i had to admit that studying in school these days is generally not as productive as compared to studying at home, but rather more importantly as i have found out lately, it is the people whom you are studying with that make a difference in your studying. Aside from the free utilisation of resources in school (toilets, powerpoint sockets, whiteboard, fans, tables chairs, coolers, etc), there are so much more that a school can offer to provide students with what they need to get into the momentum of studying. Played a bit of soccer with wai's classmates - james and 2 other peops at around 4 to destress (in fact i don't think i deserved to) ...well at least i have to say that my goalkeeping has improved, and have regained some tactics after not playing this sport for quite a considerably long time, scored two goals, though got owned ultimately. guess it's not the scoring part that's hard, but the dribbling part, though considering the fact that the actualy area is much larger. two more weeks left and it's GP. hmmm....trying to spot certain questions. stared at the past 12 years paper 1 qn papers. trying to figure out the pattern of paper-setting. most people, i believe, would have been more or less well-prepared by now and hence there isn't really any subject they should be focusing at present. how i wish it was still during the O level days- entering the exam hall did not require much sweat, not because of the fact that i have succumbed to bad fate.well this is probably the last time i will be blogging until the last paper has ended. some people said that the extent of difficulty varies on an alternate yearly basis, but who cares, everyone is ultimately facing the same paper. it's only a matter of how well equipped you are now. had chicken rice for lunch and dinner yesterday, but what's more weird is the act of swallowing down 2 mini packet of the chilli (kind of regret it) -- act one is enough to make one go red , but the tongue managed to recovered after some brief moment. hopefully, i can swallow down the forthcoming papers without leaving too much pain and regret...

legs hurt now...awww

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