beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..

beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..
the unfinished discourse

Monday, November 24, 2008

first week of the hols has passed.

things have been ok i guess.

work is rather inspirational albeit quite boring at times.

at least there is no need to flip the notes

seriously, all of such just make you feel depressed over how poorly you have utilised them earlier on

the only thing that keeps things going is the occupation with anything that is but dull

today is already the 24th of Nov, and to think that some people have yet to make their last formal pen mark...

thankfully the holidays this year was much better than last's, simply because attachment sucks big time.

at this juncture, there are so many activities that one can indulge in in their 1/2/....6/7/8/9.....25.....weeks to come, so many activities to keep onself preoccupied and busy with and not delve deep into any distressing or discouraging past mishaps..

P.S. (the code for this song is so hard to find btw)

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