beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..

beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..
the unfinished discourse

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

yups it's the 18th

today last paper... -4 marks for mcq. at least it was ok. but it may not be good enough to mi bu the previous papers...think can't. haiz nvm. just face it.. this is like so totally different from the feeling after O's. sooo much more pessimistic. JC life is officially over. time to fill the space with entertainment and all sorts of things that would totally cloud your mind off any distress..went for HSM3 with half of the class @ shaw lido which i thought was somewhat better than the prequel as well as lunch at some chinese restaurant. felt damn cheated. but oh well, this doesn't happen all the time so well...following which walked around orchard with miao to search for some accessories which he thought of buying for some classmate whom he studied with for eight years. Orchard road is getting increasingly boring no doubt. it's always the same old buildings-paragon, lucky plaza, isetan, wisma, shawhouse, heeren...except maybe for ion.. talked cock along the way... wanted to go to city hall to walk some more but seems quite tiring...wanted to meet up with cay but could have guessed that he's busy at his friend's house though we already planned to catch the coffin in the late afternoon ...haiz.... and one more thing, forgot to purchase leon jackson's 'right here' album at heeren HMV, it's under the genre of pop and jazz, something which i hardly listen to but can be rather addictive. nvm.. borrowing ra3 from clay hopefully on thurs..gettin CS and some japanese anime from miao tom..

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