beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..

beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..
the unfinished discourse

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


it is already the middle of block leave. time is severely limited. Felt the pinch. There is just so little time to do so many things that you want to achieve. There is no point thinking that you will accomplish certain stuffs without having to forsake certain others-stuffs that may involve your closed ones. Watching MTV now on TV, and now it's screening the bands of the 80's and 90's that involve westlife, backstreet boys, take 5, five, boys2men, A1, 98 deg, boyzone etc. Seriously what a pity that most bands, pop bands in particular, have ceased to exist and have given way to many other different concepts like rock, metal and thus creates more diversity to music. But of course this does not mean that neither of the aforementioned boybands have endured up to this point in time, meaning at least for a decade. Went for badminton yesterday at woodlands sports hall (seriously it is nothing compared to like YSH or BSH) and it did not end up quite well - me pk, kw were standing down there talking cock and waiting for challengers but kw was man enough to approach 2 guys playing badminton and seek their permission to play a match with us. So ultimately, we spent the remaining 1 hour or so playing doubles (seriously we didn't expect 3 people to turn up only) which was quite fun. Playing drops never fail to be amusing -it's just relaxing and useful, though incurred several drop shots. Well hopefully before everyone gets separated at this end of this week, there will most likely be another table tennis -cum- badminton game, hopefully either on thursday or friday. Off for basketball now.Good luck to those applying uni scholarships and think carefully before you apply!

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