beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..

beware of what is lurking in the shadows, for it is as deadly as it may seem..
the unfinished discourse

Saturday, September 05, 2009

another week has passed

sang 5hrs at amk kbox today! this was one of the best sessions, considering the fact that the staff did not hesitate to give us a 10-man room over a duration of 5hrs with free flow of tidbits and 2 choices of drinks for just 20bucks per person. As usual, dingy was his usual self, singing off-key for most of the occasions but yet he was still the strongest singer among all of us due to his solid albeit shaky foundation of his voice quality. We had a fun splash over at calvin's place this morning. it was quite refreshing and i have to say that this is more fun than the past few swims we had there. We played sort of 'captain's ball' in the pool; it was rather thrilling though there were only 6 people involved and at times we were told off by one of the residents not to occupy the entire breadth of the pool so we had no choice but to make do with half of the breadth of the pool :( We also did mini races - frogstyle and freestyle along the breadth and length of the pool respectively. It was quite fun but what removed the perfection was that my camera battery ran out near the end of the swim as well as the fact that I did not bring goggles (sorry cal for sort of spoiling your goggles).... only 2 hours before this swim I was still in camp, resting from the unloading of stores in the wee hours of the morning that caused us to book in at 2300h the day before. however, we got 1.5 days off in lieu of both this and AOH participation. Next week, though a 4-day week will be a hectic one! ptco, bike course, fast march and open navex. All the best man!

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